There are two seemingly opposing directions which inspired me -- the lines and structured details of architecture and the free flowing, organic, imperfect shapes of nature. You would not think that one person could be influenced by both but there is inherent beauty in the elements of a cathedral window or the streamlined view of a skyscraper as much as there is in a butterfly landing on the petal of a flower There is a perfect geometry, a sense of space and balance in architecture and a raw, real and unguarded feeling that comes with leaves blowing in the window or a lilac branch. All of these have influenced my Yoki Collections of one-of-a-kind and limited edition designers.
I often do mood or trend boards to pin down the feeling of what I am going for. When the boards come together I begin to sketch out certain designs. And i love mixing up the structure of architecture with the chaos of nature; it creates a brand new feeling for an earring, pendant, brooch or ring.
After a rainy summer's day I noted the roses in my garden and thought of the Raindrops on Roses earrings -- although the length of them were also inspired by my lilac trees and the earrings also take on the feeling of a bunch of lilacs.
A ring in the collection with Rose quartz, Rubies and brown diamonds is simplified down to the minimal with details of wrought iron gates that surround a temple now surrounded a stone. These are punctuated by gemstones.
Much of the color in my collection is inspired by floral arrangements, deep sunsets and the blue greens of the sea and sky. Diamond pieces tend to follow the clean lines of bridges and how we travel now at the speed of light.
These are a few of my favorite things -- once the boards are full, the pieces I want to design begin to enter my dreams and I wake to put them on paper and ten color them in.
After that, when the pieces are realized, I go back to my initial influences and see how far they have evolved.
I hope you will too and desire all the lovely contradictions and traditional goldsmithing as well as the color, shaped and style that goes into my work.
Additionally I do custom based jewelry and would be happy to map out a board like this and work with you on a pieces that is personalized and geared specifically to you.
